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Soleil Pricing Plans

Facial Therapy

Salt Facial Scrub $45
(45 mins)
Salt Facial Scrub $45
(45 mins)
Salt Facial Scrub $45
(45 mins)
Salt Facial Scrub $45
(45 mins)
Salt Facial Scrub $45
(45 mins)

Relaxing Therapy

Salt Facial Scrub $45
(45 mins)
Salt Facial Scrub $45
(45 mins)
Salt Facial Scrub $45
(45 mins)
Salt Facial Scrub $45
(45 mins)
Salt Facial Scrub $45
(45 mins)

Body Treatment

Salt Facial Scrub $45
(45 mins)
Salt Facial Scrub $45
(45 mins)
Salt Facial Scrub $45
(45 mins)
Salt Facial Scrub $45
(45 mins)
Salt Facial Scrub $45
(45 mins)


Most Popular Procedures

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Monday-Wednsday 08:00 AM - 09:00 PM
Thursday-Friday 08:00 AM - 09:00 PM
Saturday-Sunday 10:00 AM - 03:00 PM


Soleil Pricing Plans

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